Hopefully we have given all of you a LOT of fun ideas as far as what to do for your spouse on this LUCKY day!  We realized there was oooonnnnneeeee more thing we forgot! A “Pinch-Proof” Protection Card!!

Being around kids all day…I know how much children LOVE to take advantage of this holiday and chalk it up as an excuse to pinch someone…and get away with it!  When Kristen told me about this idea – I immediately envisioned my entire class with cute little “pinch-proof” protection badges on them…..which would eliminate any learning distractions…yeah, right…..and caused me to chuckle in the process.  I THEN thought that my husband would sure get a kick out of this as well….so I tested it out…

Here is what my dear husband will be seeing  THIS morning…

Awwwww…..isn’t he CUUUTTTEEE!!!!  Introducing our adorable Yorkie, Jaxston!  The tag worked…..

Our Torby cat, Tanja, didn’t pinch him ONCE while he was wearing it!  🙂 Just print, cut out, attach a safety pin……AND you are free from any unwelcome pinches! Plus – I am sure your younger kids would just LOVE to show off their St. Patty’s Day protection! Print your own “Pinch-Proof” Cards! Have a “LUCKY“ St. Patrick’s Day!

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