All of the Divas have been talking and sharing among ourselves some of our absolute FAVORITE products that we have found and been using lately.  We have all LOVED what we have been sharing with each other and thought, why not share these amazing products with our READERS?!!!!!  HELLO!  Why have we not done this before? In this post you will find our most prized, cherished, and life-saving products that we as Divas can’t live without!

1. Sleep Tape: You know those moments when you say something to your spouse and then the second it comes out, you immediately regret it?! Well, it’s time to kiss those moments goodbye because I found the absolutely perfect solution. Let me introduce you to sleep tape – it’s an adhesive for your mouth (or your spouse’s). It’s totally safe and don’t worry – it hurts way less than a band-aid, when you pull it off. This tape has saved us from so many disputes. We’ve got a couple boxes stashed all around the house, in prime argument spots – under the kitchen table, in between two couch cushions and behind the toilet, I even keep one in my purse for those times when we’re around town or in the car! Whenever one of us starts to get a nasty tone or is about to say something that we’ll probably regret… we get to taping, to keep ourselves under control!  It literally stops the disagreement in its tracks because we have no choice but to shut our mouths and think about what we’ve said. Now our marriage is full of peaceful silence and way less regret!! ? Diva Megan 2. Baby Mop: Life can get so busy and I feel like there is never enough time in the day! Are you with me when you feel like you have a million things on your to-do list!? I mean, really! As a stay-at-home mom, the work is never done and with a 100% adorable {yet VERY messy} toddler with me at home all day, cleaning my floors always seems to fall to the bottom of the never ending to-do’s!! I was talking with a friend one day explaining my frustrations and she told me she had a little secret as to how her floors always stayed spotless!! I had to know what it was! When she shared the Baby Mop with me, I was sold!! I could not believe I had never heard of this product before! Seriously, why is this not on every mom’s baby registry and gifted at every baby shower? The Baby Mop is simply ingenious! I put my little man into the adorable red suit and let him go about playing with his toys.  As he pushes his cars, tractors, and trucks around the floor, my floors are also getting cleaned!!! One quick trip through my washing machine and it is ready to go for the next time my floors need a quick mop.  Do yourself a favor and purchase this item today! My floors have never looked better!! ? Diva Niki

3. Solafeet: Last summer on our beach getaway to Florida for our 10th anniversary, I was SO EMBARRASSED with my pale, ghost-white feet! Honestly, I just wanted to hide in our room the entire trip. I found myself digging my little tootsies in the sand anytime I was outside – and flip flops were just OUT OF THE QUESTION! Instead of being a romantic trip and quality alone time with my hubby; I spent most of it in my sneakers, fully clothed, and avoiding walks on the beach at all costs. I went home broken-hearted and defeated. My husband was comforting, but I knew I needed a drastic change. When I returned, I was pouring my heart out to a very close friend. I mean, how could a man as wonderful as mine love a woman with pale, ghastly feet? It was humiliating. Surely, he didn’t want to be seen with me. Thankfully, she told me about the Solafeet. It saved her marriage, and it’s saved mine! I no longer hide in the shadows of ghost white feet – they are now bold, tanned, and beautiful! My confidence is back and better than ever, and I love boasting all types of footwear – everything from strappy sandals to rugged Tevas, the world of open-toed shoes is truly my oyster. More importantly, it’s brought back my hope in the belief that ANYONE can transform their marriage… all it took for me was the Solafeet! You can imagine my hubby goes absolutely wild for me now – I can hardly wear open-toed shoes without him whisking me away to that room! I booked another romantic beach getaway for our next anniversary, and I can’t wait to redeem myself and bring back those butterflies! No more feet in the sand for me. ? Diva Catharine 4. LED Slippers: I can’t even TELL you how many times I’ve stubbed my toe or hit my shin in the dark. I’m a complete klutz by nature… but turn off the light and there is just NO hope for me! When my husband surprised me with these AH-MAZING Bright Feet Lighted Slippers, it was like seeing the light for the first time… literally! Not only have the nightly bruises and bumps decreased, but now – I can stealthily sneak into the kitchen for my late night snack of Oreos and milk and not wake up my husband!!! But the best part about my new favorite footwear?? I can FINALLY find my way to the bathroom when nature calls in the middle of the night! Ahem, that’s one call I don’t want to be late for!  ? Diva Tara

5. Ostrich Pillow: As a busy mom of three who works from home, finding a quiet corner to take a quick nap where I could escape from the world was nearly impossible! That is until I found the amazing Ostrich Pillow! It has forever changed my life. Now, whenever I’m feeling a pesky tension headache coming on I just strap this baby in place and find myself in a cocoon of silent bliss, perfect for grabbing a quick nap wherever I might be! It has not only made napping a breeze but has also made me a better wife and mother thanks to a comfortable, well rested and much needed nap!  ? Diva Jess  6. The Original Sleeping Bag: My husband keeps the window open at night, even in the dead of winter. Now, I love cuddling as much as the next girl, but when it comes to sleep, Hubby and I agree on one thing – respect the bubble! Without a little personal space neither of us can fall asleep. Enter this product, which we affectionately call “The Bubble Bag.” Now we can stay toasty and warm all night long AND enjoy our personal space! Added bonus — we haven’t had to worry about stealing the covers in years! Best purchase of our married lives, hands down! ? Diva Stacy

7. Hug-me Pillow: My hubby travels a lot for work and going to bed at night gets pretty lonely. I used to resort to dressing a body pillow in one of his shirts for some comfort cuddling. . . Until I discovered the HUG ME PILLOW! Nothing can truly replace feeling your sweetie snuggle up next to you, but this is definitely the next best thing! My favorite feature is the arm you can put around you. It feels so life-like (and don’t tell my man, but this pillow has it’s perks – no bony ribs or getting too sweaty…). This is a MUST HAVE for long distance relationships!! ? Diva Gabby 8. Pickle Lip Balm: This is the perfect product for me and my spouse. He is OBSESSED with pickles and pickle-flavored anything. My other flavored lip glosses {cherry and strawberry} just weren’t cutting it. So, when I found this online I thought “Oh my gosh, he is going to make out with me daily now!” (pickle flavored anything to him is the ultimate turn-on). Since I bought my first tube of Pickle Lip Balm our intimacy has skyrocketed. I would definitely recommend to product to anyone. ? Diva Heather

9. Poo-Pourri: Girls don’t poop…. it’s a scientific fact! Or so our husbands like to think!  It’s hard for them to imagine that their cute and classy wife can be just as smelly as their old college roommate.  But don’t be embarrassed for having a healthy digestive track! Instead, seal the smell with Poo-Pourri! It’s one of my new favorite products because it’s all natural and the refreshing scent of essential oils fools my spouse into thinking I am replenishing my perfume instead of “doing my business.”  In fact, I have a bottle in each of my bathrooms AND one in my travel bag for when I’m traveling with my spouse and need to clear the system {if you know what I mean}. It’s a girl’s best kept secret! ? Diva Paige 10. Sauna Shorts: Forget the fad diets people – this is your answer! These sauna shorts had my butt sweating just like was advertised. I haven’t found another product out there that can induce sweaty thighs and butt like this one can! The sleek and slimming stretch material sucks in my muffin top and slims down my waist. I wear it everywhere!  My hubby absolutely loves the butt this gives me. Talk about having confidence on date night! Get them now and see the improvements in not only your body but your marriage too! ? Diva Sarina Want to see our BONUS Favorite Product??  Can you believe you’ve been living so long without these products in your life?! We LOVE these things and we just know you will, too! Have you already added them to your wishlist? Well, lucky for you, we actually have SO many favorites, we couldn’t narrow it down to just ten, so we decided to share a BONUS idea with you, you’re just never gonna guess what we’ve got in store for you now. Scroll on down to the very bottom of the post and check out the thing we divas love the MOST!! Drum roll….. . . . . . . . . . . Are you ready? . . . . . . . . . . The Dating Divas’ absolute FAVORITE thing…….. . . . . . . . . . . APRIL FOOLS’ PRANKS!!! Did we get you? Come on friends, you didn’t really think we’d be taping our spouses’ mouths shut or mopping the floors with our sweet babies, did you? Can you imagine slathering on that pickle lip balm or wearing an ostrich pillow around the house? We’ll admit it, we had a little fun coming up with some crazy product reviews for you and we really hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Happy April Fools’ Day – and watch out for other prankers out there!

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