You have found it right here! I am going to show you how to put sweet little notes into blown-out eggs AND give you some free printables too!! I had so much fun doing this and my husband thought I was so creative when I gave it to him. This is DIY easy-style, ladies!!

Grab an egg- or two-or three- however many you want to create! I used simple white eggs, but you can go all out and jazz them up with some Easter Egg colors.

Next, use a pin from your sewing basket (gotta use them for something, if your sewing machine is anything like mine, it is gathering dust… a lot of dust!). Poke a hole on each of the ends- I made mine a little wider than the pin size so that I could blow the yoke and white out a lot easier. Once you have your holes, put your lips on one end (I washed my egg really well first!) and blow! Make sure you do this over a bowl or sink so that your egg innards don’t go all over the table or carpet:)

Once your egg is cleaned out, rinse it through with water and let it dry. Print out your free printable notes and choose which ones you’d like to use in your egg. Aren’t they darling? Kristin did such a fab job making these look perfect for Easter!

Next up comes the hard part. Choosing which gorgeous petal envelope you would like to use to hold your egg. Kristin at CdotLove is such an awesome designer that she made different sizes AND different colors of boxes. How fun is that?! You have got to check out what she can do! I found the bigger sized boxes worked best for my eggs, but I was using the giant Costco ones, so if your’s are a little smaller you may want the smaller sized box.

Once your egg is dry inside, roll your note up and squeeze it through one of the holes. Tuck some paper shreds or colorful Easter grass into your petal box and add your egg. Then pop the ‘Crack Me’ note inside.

Pick some fun ribbon to weave through the holes in the petal box and attach the ‘Open Me’ note onto it. Then leave it somewhere that your spouse will find it. 🙂

They will open up the bright box and see the ‘Crack Me’ sign inside.

A smile is guaranteed when they whack open their egg and find the sweet note inside!

Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 54Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 31Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 35Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 67Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 61Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 39Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 26Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 74Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 23Crack Me  Easter Surprise - 70