In this last blog of 2017, I’d like to leave you with some of both. I’d like to emphasize the “some” because the two lists are way too long to detail here, and for everyone one that I include I’m sure I’ll leave another two out.

Our Gratitude

First and foremost, I’m grateful for the indomitable mindful spirit in us all—the intelligence that seeks insight and awareness, that yearns for a more inclusive way to see and a more healthy way to be—both alone and in relationship. We’ve seen in the many hardships of 2017 how people’s essential goodness shines through in even the most challenging situations. In the world of mindfulness, we see this human spirit moving in both the big and the small, as I talked about in my last blog. We are grateful for the well-known champions and famous mindfulness leaders, thinkers, funders, strategists, all who impact the big picture and the critical leverage points. They give the talks, write the articles, and set the trends. We can’t do without them. We’re equally thankful for all the local champions, so many of you in neighborhoods everywhere inspired to bring the benefits of mindfulness, kindness, and compassion practices to your communities. You’re too many to name but so inspiring to us, so we send along a shout out and thank you to you all. We’re grateful that people in all walks of life are asking the same important question: is there something in this mindfulness thing that can help us serve better, work better, cure better, teach better, learn better, parent better, innovate better, lead better, police better, and take better care of ourselves while doing so? And we’re grateful that it’s happening everywhere, in really surprising and gratifying ways. it’s happening not just in suburbs like Marin and Brooklyn anymore, but in the Main Streets of Flint, Louisville, Baltimore, Wichita, Nashville, and Jackson Hole. And it’s happening with kids and teachers in the classroom; nurses, doctors and patients in our hospitals and clinics; supervisors and staff in the workplace; and all the administrators that support that work. It’s happening with mayors and council members, police and border patrol, soldiers and vets, neuroscientist and research funders. It’s kinda mind blowing. With all this to be grateful for in 2017, our aspirations for 2018 arise naturally and clearly: let’s do all that we can to make more of this!

Our Aspirations

We aspire in 2018 to continue and deepen our work to support champions big and small, to create content that responds to your needs, and to keep important projects and ideas moving forward. And in particular we aspire to bring the benefits of these practices to all parts of society, to all parts of the country, and into the most challenging situations. We had the aspiration for social innovation when we started the Foundation 6 years and we’re pleased that this work is coming to the forefront now. A sneak peek into how these aspirations will turn into Mindful’s plans for 2018:

A more robust mobile edition for the majority of our readers who follow us on your phones; An expanded web presence with more advance content and community news in mindful education and health care; Expanding our Foundation projects like Mindful Cities, and specific content for firefighters and native Spanish speakers.

In the end, it always comes down to a few simple things: We’re grateful to you all—our readers, subscribers, supporters, critics, and mindfulness activators. You make it possible for us to do what we do, and you’ve helped us grow in numbers and in understanding. Our gratitude to you. So, join us in fulfilling our mutual aspirations for more mindfulness, kindness, awareness and compassion in 2018! Thank you!