This hilarious marriage game comes with over 75 dating game questions that will have you reminiscing on memories with your spouse AND testing just how well you know each other – even after years of marriage! Keep scrolling to see these fun dating / relationship game questions AND for a free download of The Not So Newlywed Game we created! Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here.

Dating Game Questions

  1. What color does your spouse think looks best on you?
  2. What date did your spouse ask you to marry them?
  3. If your spouse could have any job (and money was not an issue), what would they do?
  4. Where did you and your spouse share your first kiss?
  5. Who snores the most?
  6. Who was the first person you told about your engagement?
  7. How would your spouse describe your driving? A) Miss Daisy B) Speed Demon
  8. What was your first fight as a married couple about? 
  9. How long were you and your spouse engaged before getting married?
  10. Which family member of yours does your spouse have the most in common with?
  11. How did your spouse’s family react when you announced you were engaged?
  12. Which of your spouse’s housekeeping habits drive you the most crazy?
  13. What is the one thing your spouse cannot live without?
  14. What is your spouse’s best feature?
  15. What was your spouse’s first car?
  16. What movie title best describes your marriage?
  17. What is your spouse’s favorite holiday?
  18. What was the first gift you ever gave your spouse? 
  19. What are the middle names of your spouse’s parents?
  20. What adjective best describes your spouse’s family? 
  21. If your house was on fire, what is the one thing your spouse would grab before leaving the house?
  22. What is the first thing your spouse would buy if they won the lottery? 
  23. Who eats more junk food?
  24. What is your spouse’s favorite tv show?
  25. Which room in your house would your spouse most like to remodel?
  26. Who is the better cook?
  27. Who would you cast to play your spouse in a movie? 
  28. How long have you been married to your spouse?
  29. What animal does your mother-in-law remind you of?
  30. How long (in minutes) does it take your spouse to get ready in the morning?
  31. Who hogs the bed covers?
  32. Complete the sentence: A perfect spouse is one who…
  33. When your spouse leaves you alone at home, what time is it? A) Party time B) Cleaning time C) Nap time
  34. What is your spouse’s most irritating habit?
  35. Who would your spouse say was the “better catch” out of the two of you? 
  36. How will your spouse complete this sentence: “My spouse has more ___ than anyone else.”
  37. What would your spouse say was the hardest part about adjusting to marriage?
  38. What is the one thing your spouse will say is the thing that you can do to make them the happiest?
  39. Which of your children would your spouse say was the hardest to raise?
  40. With regards to your children, would your spouse say you had: A) Too many B) Not enough C) Just the right amount
  41. What would your spouse say is the best thing about being married to you?
  42. What would your spouse say is the hardest thing about being married to you? 
  43. What colors were the flowers at your wedding?
  44. What is your spouse’s favorite breakfast?
  45. In the candy bar aisle, which candy bar is your spouse most likely to choose? 
  46. What was the last movie you and your spouse watched together?
  47. If you and your spouse were to start a new business together, what would it be?
  48. What type of student was your spouse in high school? A) Honor roll all the way B) Mostly B’s and C’s C) Passed by the skin of their teeth
  49. How would you rate your spouse’s morning breath? A) Just fine B) So-so C) Atrocious
  50. Who is better at handling the money in your marriage? 
  51. If your spouse were a cartoon character – which would he/she be?
  52. What did your spouse get you for your birthday last year?
  53. Who is the safer driver?
  54. What is the worst thing that happened on your wedding day?
  55. How many cousins does your spouse have?
  56. What would your spouse say is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift?
  57. If both of you were to be contestants on the game show Jeopardy, who would have the higher score?
  58. How often does your spouse get a haircut?
  59. What is your spouse’s pet name for you?
  60. What is your spouse’s favorite date that you have gone on?
  61. What did your spouse wear on your first date together?
  62. If you were to clean house, which room would your spouse say you would clean first?
  63. Who initiated your first kiss?
  64. Who will your partner say led a more “wild life” before you got together?
  65. Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
  66. Complete the sentence: when I first saw my spouse, I thought he/she was…
  67. What is your spouse’s most prized possession?
  68. What one item of clothing would you like to see your spouse remove from his/her wardrobe? 
  69. What one item of clothing does your spouse wear that you just can’t stand?
  70. Where would your spouse say they had the best vacation with you?
  71. If your spouse won $100, which store would he/she go spend it all? 
  72. What is the last book your spouse read?
  73. Which celebrity would you say your spouse most resembles?
  74. What is the weirdest gift your spouse has given you?
  75. If your spouse were to order pizza right now, what toppings would they put on it?
  76. Where did your spouse first tell you that he/she loves you?
  77. If your spouse could live in any city in the world, where would they live?
  78. What size shoe does your spouse wear?

FREE Dating Game Question Printables 

Want to play the Not So Newlywed Game with friends? We created the cutest retro printables that will make this game date night so unique and fun! Check out all that’s included below!

Invitation- Decide who you want to invite to your Not So Newlywed game date night and give them this ADORABLE invitation to get them excited.Answer Cards – Print and laminate enough of these answer cards for each player to have one. Not-So-Newlywed Dating Game Questions – We’ve included all of the dating game questions above into cute question cards you can print and cut out.Scorecard – This will be used to keep track of how each couple is doing in the game! (Laminate it so you can play more than once and use some dry erase markers to keep track! Trust us- you will want to play again!)

So fun! Right? My husband and I still consider ourselves Newlyweds but we played this game and still had a blast! We just took out the marriage game questions about raising kids & such that don’t apply yet. I hope you have as much fun playing as we did! I definitely learned some new things about my spouse that I didn’t know! If you love this game,  be sure to check out a few others that have some fun couples game questions for parties! We re-created the original version, The Newlywed Game, which in turn inspired this Not So Newlywed Game and is another of our favorite “getting to know you” games. You also gotta try If The Shoe Fits. They are both so fun! Once you’ve completed all of these dating game questions make sure to check out the links below for even more couple questions!

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